Domestic abuse form filling clinics for England and Wales.
You don't have to use CourtNav on your own. You can get free help from one of our partner services.
Domestic abuse form filling clinic
The Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre offer free telephone appointments to help you apply for a non-molestation order or occupation order.
Simply book an appointment and a Student Adviser will help you complete the online CourtNav form.
Telephone appointments are one hour long.
The University of Law(Birmingham) offer free telephone appointments to help you to apply for a non-molestation order or occupation order.
To check availability, please e-mail your full name, a contact number, safe times to call and your availability to the following e-mail address:
Check availability
Email: [email protected]
If you live in Wales
Swansea Law Clinic offer free telephone appointments to help you to apply for a non-molestation order or occupation order.
Simply book an appointment and a Student Adviser will help you complete the online CourtNav form.
Telephone appointments are one hour long
Book your appointment
Email: [email protected]